Ever wonder what you'll be doing in 20 years? What about 10 years? and 5? When I got up this morning, i couldn't get the thought out of my head. What will I do with my life?! I think this all started the other day when I was talking with a friend about wanting to go teach english somewhere. she reminded me that most countries require you to have a degree before you can do that. I have a diploma, not a degree. This morning i started looking into some schools where i could finish my degree in Tourism Management. Nothing really struct me as overly interesting. Then i began thinking about possibly studying something totally different. Not really sure what that "different" is, but just something other than tourism. I have so many dreams and goals for my life, I'm just not sure if tourism is the best way for me to fully achieve them. Some of my dreams are just random, and others could be elaborated into what i really do as a career.
I have never written down any of my dreams. Which makes it hard to keep track of them. But, I decided that in order to figure out what i'd really like to do in my life, as a career and just to achieve my goals, I should write them down. Below you will find a portion of my bucket list, in no particular order.
Travel around the world
Teach english somewhere
Own and cafe/bakery (a place to sell my cupcakes)
Run a summer camp
Become a nurse
Own a jeep
Take a vacation, with no destination
See John Mayer in concert
See the Northern Lights
Invent something
Write a song
Learn to play piano
Be a great photographer
Snowboard in Whistler
Backpack through New Zealand
Live in Italy
Take a road trip across Canada
Visit the Grand Canyon
Get a tattoo
Shave my head
Hitch hike somewhere
Be a mother
Be a wife
Save someones life
Change someones life, for the better
Own a home
Swim in all of the Oceans (just the Arctic, Pacific and Souther left!!)
Learn to speak french, spanish and italian fluently
Work at an orphanage in South Africa
Write an article, and have it published in a magazine
Get a degree
I know this is a long list. Perhaps I will never achieve some of these things. Perhaps I will be lucky enough to have all my dreams come true one day. I am currently 20 years old, and below is a list of a few of my dreams that have already come true.
Go to Africa
Witness a miracle
Get my nose pierced
Work for the Tim Horton Children's Foundation
Own a digital SLR
Go to Ecuador
See the Eiffel Tower
Visit Florence - where mom's engagement ring is from
Get my motorcycle licence
Take a flight by myself
Get dreadlocks
Graduate high school
Graduate from college
Learn to play guitar
Learn to snowboard
Own a Mac
Swim in the Indian Ocean
See an elephant, in it's natural environment
Some may say that I have already achieved so much. I am aware that I am lucky enough to have achieved so many of my dreams already. I have a loving family, and amazing friends, who support everything I choose to do. Many people don't have that. I hope that someday I can be part of someones family, or group of friends, that provides this support for them; to encourage them to achieve their dreams.
Anyone can come up with a list of things they'd like to do or see; but what is their ultimate goal in life? What do they really want to achieve? My dad taught me to live life every day, and to give away all of my love. As long as I am living life every day, and giving away all of my love, I will be one of the happiest, and luckiest people on this planet. As much as i'd like to figure out what I will be doing in 20 years, 10 years, 5 years, or even in a month and a half (when my contract with the THCF is over), as long as I am living life every day, and giving away all of my love, I will be happy.