Sunday, April 25, 2010


Jambo, habari gani? Jina langu ni Miranda.

Ever feel like there are so many thing that you want to do, but just don't have time to do them well? In the past few weeks, i have thought about so many things that i want to learn/practice/do, but i dont ever get around to doing any of it because i feel like i'd be taking on too many new things at once, and wouldn't do a good job at any of it. i mean, whats the point in doing 10 things poorly, if you can do 1 or 2 well.

after going to camp in March, and was offered a job for the summer, i told myself that i would brush up on my french, so that i would be able to talk to EVERYONE this summer, and be able to properly explain the programs. i mean, i know a little french, but not enough! and the french that i do know is very rusty! but then i found out that i am going to Tanzania, and learning a brand new language sounds so much more appealing - especially since i knew zero swahili! then i figured it would be too complicated trying to learn two languages at the same time, so i picked swahili, since i will be in tanzania before i go to camp. now, i can speak very very little swahili, and im no better at french (however i have been reading a little french, and i think i know more than i realize).

I think this is kind of like when people say they want to start going to the gym. I mean, even i have told myself that i wanted to start going to the gym.. i even got a membership - but have i gone? not even once! i have gone swimming... but not as often as i would like to go.. its hard to get up super early, and then get mom to get up super early to drive me to school way before classes start so i can swim... just not realistic. so i started doing some kayaking a few times a week.. it was going pretty good till i got in a car accident! then i've had a sore back and neck for just over a week, so i dont want to do anything that is going to make it worse. i mean, i'm leaving in 11 days for tanzania, where i will be carrying around a backpack for two and a half weeks... then go jump right into camp the day after i get home! i'm trying to keep myself in good shape - i don't have time not to be!

another thing i wanted to practice before i go to camp was guitar. i know a few songs, but i just am not dedicated enough to practice practice practice, in order to get good! i'm sure there is someone at camp who plays, and will have a guitar at camp.. if i was good enough to want to play in front of people, then i'd bring a guitar.. however if i were to bring one, people would assume i was good.. and well... i'm not. if only there was more time between school finishing, and going to tanzania, and then a little more time between tanzania and camp!

ugh. just so many things, and so little time. maybe i'll get around to doing some new, fun things in september when im not doing anything... no school work is going to be weird - but soo good!

anyways, thats all for now.
BTW: just 11 days till takeoff!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


i cannot believe that at this time, fifteen days from now, i will be well on my way to TANZANIA! it feels like FOREVER since i started at nscc, and now, two years later, i'm just a few days away from finishing classes. actually there are just 7 days of classes left! then a few days to pack up and i'm off to tanzania to experience culture, learn some swahili, and have a lot of fun! THEN, the adventure isn't even close to being over... when we leave tanzania, i'm sticking around in zurich for 3 days on the way home - which is going to be way cool! Lindsay and i have no plan... as of yet... and no money - should be a good time! i'm not even going to have time to process what i will experience in africa or switzerland when i get home, because i've got to get up to camp in Tatamagouche asap! summer training starts just over a week before i get home, so unfortunately, i'll be a bit late.
ugh, what a busy few months lie ahead! but oh so how worth it they will be! then what?! we'll see what comes up!